
This is a blog containing the build history of an experimental home built airplane. The RV-7A is a two place, piston powered, low wing, tractor configuration, tricycle gear, aluminum and composite aircraft. The original purpose of this blog was to document the construction of my experimental category aircraft in order to satisfy the build log requirement for the FAA. Now it's just for the amusement of friends and family as I document some of our aviation experiences. For more information on the RV series of aircraft see www.vansaircraft.com.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Step 12.7, Paint Schemes

I really want to get the fuselage painted before I mount the landing gear or engine because it will be much easier to paint the bottom while the fuselage sits in the rotisserie.  Consequently, I've had to get more serious about designing a paint scheme.  Some of these designs come straight from other planes I've seen (6,7) others are, to the best of my knowledge, new designs reusing common design elements.

I want to have have my favorite colors involved, but at the same time not anything so garish that resale value might be compromised.  I want vibrant, but I don't want to be flying a Nike tennis shoe. Which in hind sight, is kind of ironic because I found that many of the shapes I was drawing looked a lot like the Nike swoosh!

In chronological order of creation but not necessarily preference:







I took these seven drawings to our regular Friday night hang out so that I could gather opinions from my some of my friends.  Pictures 4 and 5 garnered the most votes.  With drawing 4 getting one more vote than number 5.  Surprisingly, I think each of the others got at least one vote. In all about ten votes were cast, but without any serious favorite emerging.  It looks like I will have to keep drawing or draw straws.