
This is a blog containing the build history of an experimental home built airplane. The RV-7A is a two place, piston powered, low wing, tractor configuration, tricycle gear, aluminum and composite aircraft. The original purpose of this blog was to document the construction of my experimental category aircraft in order to satisfy the build log requirement for the FAA. Now it's just for the amusement of friends and family as I document some of our aviation experiences. For more information on the RV series of aircraft see www.vansaircraft.com.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Year 1

It's hard to believe that a year has gone by already.  N819RV first flew one year ago, on July 4, 2016. Today, I have a total of about 118 hours of flight time on her.  Where have I gone in all that time?

Well, the year started with this:

My airworthiness certificate.  I then went on to 40 hours of flight testing around the Sacramento valley. Following that, It was time for Carol's first flight:

It was just after that flight down to Half Moon Bay in October that the weather started becoming a lot less predictable.  But all through the winter, in between rainstorms, we found time for the occasional $100 hamburger or a quick getaway to the north coast, at Ft Bragg for example.

By early spring we traveled to Socal for the ice cream social and by the end of April we were in Central California for the West Coast Formation Flying Clinic at Madera.  In June, I was very happy to participate in our local EAA Young Eagles event by giving 5 kids their first GA flight experience.

Over the course of this year, I've landed at airports big and small (mostly small) accumulating some 326 safe returns to the planet. Some notable airports I've visited this year: Sacramento International, Oakland International, and Reno-Tahoe International.  I did not realize that Reno is an international airport until just now.  I guess I tend to underestimate the educational potential of this blog :)

Returning from WCFC 2017, I wanted to get my annual inspection done early so I wouldn't have to do it in July while the weather was good and predictable.  The annual did not reveal any items for concern although I am getting some very minor oil leakage around the crank seal at the prop flange.

So Carol and I have seen a few things this year:

Golden Gate


Mt. Shasta

Northern California coast

Southern California coast

Sunset over the valley
The high Sierras

And yes, a few fuel trucks

After a year of flying my own aircraft, I still can't wait until my next flight.  From time to time, I find myself smiling for no other reason except that I happen to have been thinking about my airplane or my next flight.   I've got the Van's perma-grin.  

I've planned a whole lot of flying for the coming year.  My next flying adventure begins in 5 days as I write this.  Here is a hint: